At Rayville High School, we take a proactive approach to student behaviors. We utilize a system called School-Wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports. We employ strategies aimed at replacing undesired behaviors with positive actions. Rewards and consequences are established to support our school-wide behavior expectations. This plan is available for review in our main office.
To help our students remember the RHS behavior expectations, we employ the acronym P.R.I.D.E.:
P – Prepared | Students will be: Prepared for all classes Prepared to learn Prepared for changes in academic expectations Prepared to be challenged. |
R – Respectful & Responsible | Students will be: Respectful of each other, teachers, custodians, cafeteria staff, administration, community members, and parents Respectful of the academic process Responsible for the choices they make toward their future Responsible for their actions |
I – Involved | Students can/will be: Involved in athletic and/or academic organizations involved in the S.W.P.B.I.S. process Involved in positive social and emotional environments Involved in school-related functions |
D – Determined | Students will be: Determined to make the most of the years spent at RHS Determined to adhere to school rules and expectations Determined to discover the worth and purpose of receiving a quality education Determined to be on time to class and school each day |
E – Ethical | Students will be: Mindful of what is perceived as good-or-bad and right-or-wrong decision-making Understanding of how every decision and choice made affects their life and future Able to establish high morals that have a positive impact on their decisions Aware of consequences of poor decisions |