August 17, 2022: Updated School Operational Guidelines

The LDE has updated the Ready to Achieve! 2022-2023 School Operational Guidelines to reflect the most recent recommendations released by the CDC on August 11, 2022. Anyone who is identified as a close contact to a COVID-19 case should follow the appropriate masking and quarantine guidelines. The supporting link to the Center for Disease Control’s website states the following:

  • Removed the recommendation to cohort (i.e. Physical Distancing/Group Size, pods, static groups)
  • Changed recommendation to conduct screening testing to focus on high-risk activities during high COVID-19 Community Level or in response to an outbreak
  • Removed the recommendation to quarantine, except in high-risk congregate settings
  • Removed information about Test to Stay
  • Added detailed information on when to wear a mask, managing cases and exposures, and responding to outbreaks