Dear Start families,
Welcome to a new year at Start Elementary! My favorite quote of all time was written by the great Dr. Seuss. He wrote, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” These words remind me of the incredible power we each hold to make a difference in our children’s lives and our community.
This resonates deeply with our mission here at Start Elementary. Every day, I witness the remarkable ways our teachers, parents, and students show they care—whether it’s through a kind word, a helping hand, or a commitment to learning and growing together. As we begin our 2024-2025 school year, let’s join together in a committment to our children that we care “a whole awful lot” about them!
Let’s commit to our Owls by…
- showing our children what it means to care a whole awful lot by getting involved in their education and school activities.
- discussing the importance of diversity, empathy, understanding, and helping others. Share stories and examples of caring actions.
- acknowledging and celebrate acts of kindness and caring, no matter how small.
- taking an active role in our children’s academic journey by setting aside time each day for reading, homework, or studying/reinforcing new skills.
- encouraing curiosity and praise their efforts and achievements to foster a love for learning!
Together, we can make our school and community a better place. Thank you for caring and for being an integral part of our school family. Let’s continue to make a difference, one caring act at a time.
With gratitude,
Beverly Smart
Principal, Start Elementary School