- 1st six weeks Newsletter (September)
- 2nd six weeks Newsletter (October)
- 3rd six weeks Newsletter (December)
- 4th six weeks Newsletter (Jan./Feb.)
- 5th six weeks Newsletter (March)
- 6th six weeks Newsletter (May)

District Calendar
Philosophy of Mangham High School
The Mangham High School faculty and staff believe that the primary purpose of education is to provide for the maximum growth and development of every child in order that each student might become a useful citizen. Academic, physical, social, emotional, and moral phases of growth and development can be regarded separately but are not independent. Education is both a right and a responsibility in our democratic society and all children should be offered equal educational opportunities. Responsibility is therefore placed upon children and families to take full advantage of this opportunity without interfering with others striving to succeed.

Mission Statement
Dragons Reaching Academic Goals Obtaining New Successes