Richland Parish Framework for Effective Instruction


As required by state and federal regulations, the Richland Parish School Board submitted a School Redesign Grant Application to the Louisiana Department of Education in Winter 2018 to support school improvement. Our school district received approval of its plan from the Department in Spring 2018.

The key components of our plan that will lead to school improvement include:

  • an improved, standards-aligned curriculum for students that meets the criteria to be the highest rated curriculum in the state
  • training for our teachers on the use of this curriculum
  • skillful curriculum use
  • high expectations
  • demonstration of student learning

The Richland Parish School Board has partnered with TNTP (The New Teacher Project) and ANet (Achievement Network) to develop leaders who have a strong school and instructional vision. Our administrative teams will relentlessly pursue results and lead through relationships. This leadership model will make it possible for faculty and staff members to do their best work to educate all students.


Do you have any questions pertaining to the School Redesign Initiative? If so, contact Shelly Crawford at

Richland Parish Academic Leadership Team Profile

Our Mission Statement
The Richland Parish School System will provide a comprehensive educational foundation and safe learning environment for all students. Students will demonstrate mastery of skills needed to be lifelong learners. It is our system's purpose to develop the whole child to his/her fullest potential. Excellence will be expected from each employee and student in the system.