On behalf of the faculty and staff, welcome to Holly Ridge School! I am excited to be returning to Holly Ridge School as your principal this year. I began my career at Holly Ridge School as a student teacher which led to becoming a full time teacher, an instructional coach, and now your principal. Words cannot express how honored I am to have built my career at such a wonderful school and now to have the opportunity to serve you. I look forward to working with the students, faculty, staff members, parents and families to create a school environment where everyone’s unique differences are valued, parents are welcome, and students are engaged and excited about learning.
Reagan R. Holloway
In order to be successful in school, our children must have support from both the home and school. As partners in your child’s education, we will set high expectations for behavior and learning. Instruction is based on the Louisiana Student Standards. I encourage you, as partners in your child’s education, to familiarize yourself with the grade-level expectations by visiting louisianabelieves.com and clicking on the parents’ link. We also ask that you support your child’s learning by:
- Ensuring that they attend school daily and arrive on time.
- Monitor all homework assignments given by teachers.
- Read with your child or encourage your child to read daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills.
- Expect and support positive behavior at school.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences and school events.
- Discuss their school experiences each day so that you are aware of his/her school life.
- Take part in and support the Holly Ridge PTO.
Please consider joining our school team as a parent volunteer. Information about volunteering is available in the school office or from the PTO officers.
Volunteers enrich our students’ educational experience and are needed to assist with the following activities:
- Serve as room parent(s).
- Teacher-led instructional support, usually in the classroom under the teacher’s supervision.
- Reading with children who need extra help.
- Helping organize parental involvement activities and events.
- Working in the library.
- Running copies for teachers as needed.
- Help monitor student recognition events.
I look forward to working with you to ensure your child’s school year is a success. Please feel free to contact me for any reason. My door is always open and I welcome your comments, suggestions, and ideas.
Reagan R. Holloway