I wasn’t born to “just teach.” I was born to inspire others, to change people, and to never give up; even when faced with challenges that seem impossible.
Reagan R. Holloway | Principal |
Ernest Hill | Assistant Principal |
Jordan Sullivan | Instructional Coach |
Angie Clack | Secretary |
Christina Roberts | Pre-Kindergarten |
April McClure | Kindergarten |
Robin Nichols | First Grade |
Shellie York | Second Grade |
Katie Bolden | Third – Fifth Grade Math |
Tammy Simms | Third – Fourth Grade ELA |
Jordan Sullivan | Fifth Grade ELA |
Jennifer Pardue | Third – Fifth Grade Social Studies & PE |
Donna Freeland | Third – Eighth Grade Science |
Mackenzie Burns | Sixth – Eighth Grade Math |
Monita Howington | Sixth – Eighth Grade ELA |
Spencer Trahan | Sixth Eighth Grade Social Studies & PE |
Ernest Hill | 7th Grade Social Studies |
Nicole Lee | Sixth – Eighth Grade JAG Specialist |
Special Education Self-Contained | |
Nancy Absher | Special Education Kindergarten – Eighth Grade |
Susan Shrader | Special Education Kindergarten – Eighth Grade |
Sarah Ivy | Special Education Para |
Erin Dove | Special Education Para |
Jessica DiGiovanni | Special Education Para |
Pam Ward | Special Education Para |
Tina McCandlish | Special Education Para |
Sabrina Hemphill | Special Education Para |
Kiley Clack | Special Education Para |
Sherrie Carter | Special Education Para |
Jackie Tyree | Cafeteria Manager |
Dora Smith | Cafeteria Technician |
Hope Duckworth | Cafeteria Technician |
Jackie Washington | Head Custodian |
Antonio James | Custodian |
Administrative Staff
Mrs. Holloway – Principal
Mr. Hill – Assistant Principal
Mrs. Sullivan – Instructional Coach
Mrs. Clack – Bookkeeper

Pre-K-2 Grades
Mrs. Roberts – Pre-Kindergarten
Mrs. McClure – Kindergarten
Mrs. Nichols – 1st Grade
Mrs. York – 2nd Grade
3-5 Grades
Mrs. Bolden – 3rd-5th Grade Math
Mrs. Simms – 3rd-4th ELA
Ms. Sullivan – 5th Grade ELA
Mrs. Freeland – 3rd-5th Grade Science
Ms. Pardue – 3rd-5th Grade SS & PE

6-8 Grades
Mrs. Freeland – 6th-8th Grade Science
Mrs. Howington – 6th-8th Grade ELA
Mrs. Burns – 6th-8th Grade Math
Mr. Trahan – 6th, 8th Grade SS & 6th – 8th PE/Health
Mr. HIll – 7th Grade Social Studies
Mrs. Lee – 6th-8th Grade JAG
Special Education
Mrs. Absher – K-8 Grade
Mrs. Shrader – K-8 Grade

Mrs. Sarah Ivy
Mrs. Erin Dove
Mrs. Sabrina Hemphill
Mrs. Jessica DiGiovanni
Ms. Kiley Clack
Ms. Tina McCandlish
Mrs. Sherrie Carter
Cafeteria Crew
Mrs. Jackie Tyree
Mrs. Dora Washington
Mrs. Hope Duckworth

School Custodians
Mr. Jackie Washington
Mr. Antonio James
School Bus Drivers
Mr. James Gee
Mr. Oliver McFarland
Ms. Lela Summers